In the Waiting…

Today, I sit in Kaposvár, Hungary. 26 years ago, on this day, I sat in this same country on my 16th birthday. It was the most defining year of my life.

I learned 3 Truths that summer that has shaped my obedience since…

1. I could really trust God;

2. God was and is really faithful;

3. God could really use me.

As a young, shy, backwards 15 year old girl, there was so much I didn’t know. Life had been hard and so much of my life had been built around abuse, rejection, and lies.

BUT…In the midst of my chaos, God reached down and awakened my heart to Him. He gave me a desire to follow Him and obey Him in a way that was irresistible.

Even now, I sit perplexed at how I was able to step into so much confidence in Christ, when I was filled with so much insecurity.

You see my friend, God is always faithful.

God doesn’t see as man sees. He looks at the heart. He sees the hidden part of your longings through the scars of your wounds. He never defines us by where we are, but where He has called us to be in Him.

That summer I boarded a plane to Eastern Europe began a lifelong journey of obedience. My life would be forever defined by the moments that followed those undaunting steps of obedience.

I was gifted confidence that summer and learned…


Able to meet me in my insecurity and fear and help me overcome.


Willing to transform my heart if I would surrender it to Him.


Faithful to fulfill His purpose over my life, no matter where I came from or how I had failed, or what my situation was.

1 Corinthians 13: 9-10 says:

“For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when completeness comes, what is in part will disappear.”

So often all we see is what is in front of us, but we don’t see What God sees.

God lives in eternity; God’s view is not bound by time or limitations or demographics or finances.

God views our life from a complete perspective.

He sees His created purpose over our life, even when all we can see is limited by our circumstances.

I never saw then, what I see now.

Looking back I can see how I was being held, kept, and protected by God. I can see how He was directing my steps. How He was charting my course, even though I was making my own plans. ( Proverbs 16:9)

Yesterday a stranger came to me and in his broken English gave me the verse Psalms 23:5. I had been studying that morning in my quiet time how God anointed David as king. I was reading how Samuel, under God’s direction was not looking at the outward appearance of man, but the inward humility of the heart.

When He chose David, it surprised everyone, because David did not look like the qualified, gifted leader the people expected. He was a keeper of sheep. He was a ruddy runt from a line of valiant brothers.

Isn’t that like God though?

He loves to take the unlikely and make them mighty in Him.

I read Psalms 23:5 and realized God used this Hungarian man to remind me of His promise to me:

“I have anointed your head with oil.”

I sit today in Hungary walking out the call He has anointed me to walk. Not because I was first pick or qualified, but because I was chosen. 26 years ago, He anointed me to lead a generation to the purposes of God. I did not see then, the call He has me in today.


Today, I sit appointed to mobilize…..

Today, I am appointed to serve…..

Today, I am appointed to fulfill the Great Commission.

Can I share a truth with you?

God is always faithful. Whatever you are facing today, God IS faithful! He sees what you cannot. Stay in process and allow Him to fulfill His purpose over you. You can be anointed to lead, but your appointing may come later. Don’t give up in the waiting!

‘Allow Him to mold you, humble you, bend you and break you, while you wait.’

His plans are always bigger and better than ours. I can’t imagine big enough to contain the purposes of God over my life.

Can I share a secret?

Neither can you!!!

Will you trust Him today, to fulfill His purpose, even when you cannot see it?

3 responses to “In the Waiting…”

  1. Martha S Avila Avatar
    Martha S Avila

    Praise God for the way He has guided you over the years. Praise God for the way you have followed in obedience and eagerness to the next step. Thank you for reminding us that God has a plan for each one and that we must continue to trust Him so that He will complete His purpose in us. Yes, it can be difficult to wait, a red flag to prove ourselves faithful… but in the end, we will be amazed because He is always faithful!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Amazing Lord Bless you


  3. Peggy this is a amazing story you have shared Praise jesus for you God Bless you in all you do


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